Climate Consciousness Summit

In partnership with

In partnership with

Linda Kabaira
Sustainability Educator & Leader I Environmentalist I Sustainable Food Systems Designer

Linda is a sustainability educator, environmentalist, and sustainable food systems designer working in the fertile intersection of education, transdisciplinary research, agroecology practice and climate change. She leads a generation of regenerative designers and educators in Zimbabwe working in educational institutions and communities across the country in the development of policy guidance related to Education for sustainable development framework and projects strengthening climate change resilience, food security and livelihood development. Her passion is to co-design project-based learning trajectories supporting young people and their communities, cultures and traditions to survive in rapidly changing environments while enhancing their opportunities to become designers of their desired future. She has been the Country Coordinator for the Zimbabwe Institute of Permaculture – Schools and Colleges Permaculture (SCOPE) Zimbabwe since March 2012 and is currently in her final write-up of a split-site PhD in Agroecology, Water and Resilience (Coventry University, UK and the University of Zimbabwe).