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Here's EVERYTHING that's included:
35+ INSPIRING CONVERSATIONS, expert speaker talks and panel recordings from the 2024 Climate Consciousness Summit. Watch or listen at home or on-the-go from your mobile device.
10+ MINDFULNESS PRACTICES, perfect for adding spaciousness, restoring a sense of safety and reinforcing stress resilience.
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Plus, receive this exclusive Summit Bonus:
BONUS: As a bonus, you’ll receive access to the 2023 Summit package, featuring 45+ downloadable INSPIRING CONVERSATIONS, expert speaker talks, and panel recordings from the 2024 Climate Consciousness Summit.
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LIFETIME access to 35+ Expert Talks, Powerful Insights & Practices Plus Special Events and Panels
"Embodiment is the foundation for healing. Without embodiment, we have no instrument to receive the world and to ground the energy of anxiety, fear and trauma. Our body is the instrument that allows the energy to return and become fertile soil for the future."
Kosha Joubert
CEO Pocket Project
Your contribution helps us to raise awareness, restore our collective sensitivity and increase our flow of co-creative action.
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